Monday, March 26, 2012

Fun With Chords #1

Now I'm throwing these lessons out in no chronological skill order. Take what you can from these and let me know if you want me to clear up some points. But I do want to cover all bases as far as skill level is concerned. So here it begins. I'll be giving house call lessons and I should set up Skype lessons now that I'm thinking about it. You can reach me at if you'd like lessons. I'm more of a blues player that incorporates different styles into the dirty blues. What ever you do play it with PASSION and have fun because it is called playing and not desk work.

Here are some 3 to 4 note chords that you can use to help with chord soloing or comping. The same chord shapes can be interchanged with other chords. One chord voicing can be shifted around and used as a 2nd inversion Cmaj 7, root position Fmaj 6, 2nd inv E min, 3rd inv C dom 7, etc. I'm showing easier wasy to play chords up and down the neck. A chord shape played in one position can even be labeled differently depending on the bass note, for example combining the notes G, B, E can be labeled as a Cmaj 7, G maj 6, Emin, D dom 7 sus 4 or an A dom 7/9.

Have a look at the lesson and enjoy!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Daily Jam 3/16/12

Video Time! A little daily sketch of a musical idea. Some areas are prettier than other but you never know what is going to stick. Subscribe to my channel, for upcoming lessons and such.

Now on with the show!